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eccentricity noun

  /ˌɛk.sɛnˈtɹɪs.ɪ.ti/ , [ˌɛk.sənˈtɹɪs.ə.ɾi]
  • The quality of being eccentric or odd; any eccentric behaviour.
  • (astronomy) The eccentricity of the conic section (usually an ellipse) defined by the orbit of a given object around a reference object (such as that of a planet around the sun).

eccentric noun

  /ɛkˈsɛntɹɪk/ , /ɪkˈsɛntɹɪk/
  • One who does not behave like others.
παράξενος, εκκεντρικός

eccentric adjective

  /ɛkˈsɛntɹɪk/ , /ɪkˈsɛntɹɪk/
  • (physiology, of a motion) Against or in the opposite direction of contraction of a muscle (such as results from flexion of the lower arm (bending of the elbow joint) by an external force while contracting the triceps and other elbow extensor muscles to control that movement; opening of the jaw while flexing the masseter).
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