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based adjective

  • Founded on; having a basis; often used in combining forms.
-pohjainen, -varainen

based adjective

  • (slang, of a person) Not caring what others think about one's personality, style, or behavior; focused on maintaining individuality.

base noun

  /beɪs/ , /beːs/
  • (chemistry) Any of a class of generally water-soluble compounds that turn red litmus blue and react with acids to form salts.
  • (biology, biochemistry) A nucleotide's nucleobase in the context of a DNA or RNA biopolymer.
  • A permanent structure for housing military personnel and material.
  • Something from which other things extend; a foundation.
perusta, pohja, perustus
  • (acrobatics, cheerleading) In hand-to-hand balance, the person who supports the flyer; the person that remains in contact with the ground.
  • (obsolete) The lower part of a robe or petticoat.
  • (geometry) The lowest side of a triangle or other polygon, or the lowest face of a cone, pyramid or other polyhedron laid flat.
helma, kanta
  • (architecture) The lowermost part of a column, between the shaft and the pedestal or pavement.
  • (electronics) The name of the controlling terminal of a bipolar transistor (BJT).
  • (topology) The set of sets from which a topology is generated.
  • (topology) A topological space, looked at in relation to one of its covering spaces, fibrations, or bundles.
  • (linguistics) A morpheme (or morphemes) that serves as a basic foundation on which affixes can be attached.
  • (mathematics) A number raised to the power of an exponent.
kanta, kantaluku
  • (botany) The end of a leaf, petal or similar organ where it is attached to its support.
kanta, lehtikanta
  • A safe zone in the children's games of tag and hide-and-go-seek.
koti, pesä
  • The starting point of a logical deduction or thought; basis.
  • (cooking, painting, pharmacy) A basic but essential component or ingredient.
  • A line in a survey which, being accurately determined in length and position, serves as the origin from which to compute the distances and positions of any points or objects connected with it by a system of triangles.
  • (cosmetics) Foundation: a cosmetic cream to make the face appear uniform.
  • (baseball) One of the four places that a runner can stand without being subject to being tagged out when the ball is in play.
  • A substance used as a mordant in dyeing.
  • The place where decisions for an organization are made; headquarters.
  • (heraldry) The lowest third of a shield (or field), or an ordinary occupying this space, the champagne. (Compare terrace..)
tyvi, tyviö

base adjective

  /beɪs/ , /beːs/
  • (now, rare) Inferior; unworthy, of poor quality.
  • (of a metal) Not considered precious or noble.
  • Alloyed with inferior metal; debased.
  • (obsolete) Low in height; short.
  • Low in place or position.
  • (obsolete) Of low value or degree.
lyhyt, matala
  • Morally reprehensible, immoral; cowardly.
moraaliton, säädytön
  • (archaic) Of low social standing or rank; vulgar, common.

base verb

  /beɪs/ , /beːs/
  • (transitive) To give as its foundation or starting point; to lay the foundation of.
  • (transitive) To be located (at a particular place).

basis noun

  /ˈbeɪ.sɪs/ , /ˈbæɪ.sɪs/
  • A regular frequency.
-ttain, joka
  • (agriculture, trading) The difference between the cash price a dealer pays to a farmer for his produce and an agreed reference price, which is usually the futures price at which the given crop is trading at a commodity exchange.
  • (accounting) Amount paid for an investment, including commissions and other expenses.
  • (linear algebra) In a vector space, a linearly independent set of vectors spanning the whole vector space.
  • (topology) A collection of subsets ("basis elements") of a set, such that this collection covers the set, and for any two basis elements which both contain an element of the set, there is a third basis element contained in the intersection of the first two, which also contains that element.
  • A starting point, base or foundation for an argument or hypothesis.
lähtökohta, peruste
  • A physical base or foundation.
perusta, perustus, pohja
  • An underlying condition or circumstance.


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