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head noun

  • (countable) The part of the body of an animal or human which contains the brain, mouth, and main sense organs.
pää, lanttu, nuppi
  • The end of a hammer, axe, golf club, or similar implement used for striking other objects.
pää, terä
  • The source of a river; the end of a lake where a river flows into it.
pää, joensuu, kanta, käymälä, laskukohta, lähde
  • Mental or emotional aptitude or skill.
pää, nenä, vainu
  • (countable) The topmost, foremost, or leading part.
pää, kärki, etuosa, yläosa
  • (metonymy) Leader; chief; mastermind.
päällikkö, johtaja, pää
  • (figurative, metonymy) Mind; one's own thoughts.
pää, mieli
  • (metonymy) A headmaster or headmistress.
rehtori, johtajaopettaja
  • Headway; progress.
  • (slang) The glans penis.
  • The difference in elevation between two points in a column of fluid, and the resulting pressure of the fluid at the lower point.
hydrostaattinen paine, paine-ero, putouskorkeus
  • (obsolete) Power; armed force.
joukot, voimat
  • (linguistics) A morpheme that determines the category of a compound or the word that determines the syntactic type of the phrase of which it is a member.
jälkiosa, käymälä, perusosa, vessa, yläliikki
  • (engineering) The end cap of a cylindrically-shaped pressure vessel.
  • The population of game.
  • The end of a nail, screw, bolt, or similar fastener which is opposite the point; usually blunt and relatively wide.
kanta, pää
  • (computing) The part of a disk drive responsible for reading and writing data.
kirjoituspää, lukupää, pää
  • Topic; subject.
  • (only, _, singular) Denouement; crisis.
  • The place of honour, or of command; the most important or foremost position; the front.
kunniapaikka, kärki
  • The sharp end of an arrow, spear, or pointer.
  • (nautical) The toilet of a ship.
käymälä, vessa
  • (lacrosse) The top part of a lacrosse stick that holds the ball.
  • The leafy top part of a tree.
latva, latvus
  • A clump of seeds, leaves or flowers; a capitulum.
mykerö, pää
  • (slang, countable) A heavy or habitual user of illicit drugs.
  • (uncountable, countable) A buildup of fluid pressure, often quantified as pressure head.
  • (figurative, metonymy) An individual person.
  • (plural head) A single animal; measure word for livestock and game.
  • (countable) The principal operative part of a machine or tool.
  • (medicine) The end of an abscess where pus collects.
  • A machine element which reads or writes electromagnetic signals to or from a storage medium.
  • The end of a rectangular table furthest from the entrance; traditionally considered a seat of honor.
  • (anatomy) The rounded part of a bone fitting into a depression in another bone to form a ball-and-socket joint.
  • (in the plural) Tiles laid at the eaves of a house.
  • A beginning or end, a protuberance.
  • A significant or important part.
  • (slang, vulgar, uncountable) Fellatio or cunnilingus; oral sex.
  • An ear of wheat, barley, or other small cereal.
  • (uncountable, countable) The foam that forms on top of beer or other carbonated beverages.
  • The top edge of a sail.

head verb

  • (transitive) To be in command of. (See also head up.)
johtaa, komentaa
  • (transitive) To cut off the top of; to lop off.
  • (intransitive) To move in a specified direction.
kulkea kohti, lähteä johonkin, matkata kohti, suunnata, suunnistaa
  • (transitive) To form a head to; to fit or furnish with a head.
muodostaa kaalinpää, tehdä pää
  • (transitive) To strike with the head; as in soccer, to head the ball
nostaa pystyyn, pukata
  • (fishing) To remove the head from a fish.
poistaa pää
  • To get in the front of, so as to hinder or stop; to oppose.
  • (intransitive) To originate; to spring; to have its course, as a river.
saada alkunsa

head adjective

  • Placed at the top or the front.
  • Foremost in rank or importance.
  • Coming from in front.

heading noun

  • (nautical and aeronautical) The direction into which a seagoing or airborne vessel's bow is pointing (apparent heading) and/or the direction into which it is actually moving relative to the ground (true heading)
kulkusuunta, suunta
  • The title or topic of a document, article, chapter, or of a section thereof.

heads noun

  • The side of a coin that bears the picture of the head of state or similar.

headed adjective

  • (in combination) Having a head or brain with specified characteristics.

head adjective

  • Of, relating to, or intended for the head.
pää-, pää

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