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live verb

  • (intransitive) To be alive; to have life.
elää, olla elossa
  • (intransitive) To have permanent residence somewhere, to inhabit, to reside.
elää, asua
  • (intransitive) To survive; to persevere; to continue.
elää, selvitä
  • (transitive) To spend, as one's life; to pass; to maintain; to continue in, constantly or habitually.
  • (intransitive) To outlast danger; to float (said of a ship, boat, etc).
kestää, selvitä
  • (intransitive, hyperbole) To cope.

live adjective

  • (only used attributively) Having life; that is alive.
  • (engineering) Imparting power; having motion.
  • (circuitry) Electrically charged or energized, usually indicating that the item may cause electrocution if touched.
  • (programming) Of an object or value: that may potentially be used in the future execution of a program.
  • Of an environment where sound is recorded: having noticeable reverberation.
  • (linguistics) Of a syllable in languages such as Thai and Burmese: resonating, not ending abruptly.
  • (broadcasting) Being broadcast ("on the air"), as it happens.

live adverb

  • Of an event, as it happens; in real time; direct.
livenä, suorana

life noun

  • (uncountable) The state of organisms preceding their death, characterized by biological processes such as metabolism and reproduction and distinguishing them from inanimate objects; the state of being alive and living.
elämä, elo, eläminen, henki, nirri
  • A worthwhile existence.
  • The period during which one (a person, an animal, a plant; a civilization, species; a star; etc) is alive.
elämä, eläminen
  • Nature, reality, and the forms that exist in it.
elämä, olemassaolo, oleminen
  • Something which is inherently part of a person's existence, such as job, family, a loved one, etc.
  • (video games) One of the player's chances to play, lost when the player's character dies or when certain mistakes are made.
  • Animation; spirit; vivacity.
elinkaari, kesto
  • (countable) A life assured under a life assurance policy (equivalent to the policy itself for a single life contract).

living adjective

  • Having life; alive.
elollinen, elävä, elin-
  • In use or existing.
  • True to life.

lively adverb

  • Vibrantly, vividly.

living noun

  • Financial means; a means of maintaining life; livelihood
ansio-, elanto, elinkeino, työ
  • A style of life.
elintapa, elo, elämä, elämäntapa
  • (uncountable) The state of being alive.
elo, eläminen, elämä

lively adjective

  • Full of life; energetic.
  • (of beer) Fizzy; foamy; tending to produce a large head in the glass.

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