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long adjective

  /lɑŋ/ , /lɒŋ/ , /lɔŋ/ , /lɔːŋ/ , /lʊŋɡ/
  • Having much distance from one terminating point on an object or an area to another terminating point (usually applies to horizontal dimensions; see Usage Notes below).
  • (finance) Possessing or owning stocks, bonds, commodities, or other financial instruments with the aim of benefiting from an expected rise in their value.
  • (cricket) Of a fielding position, close to the boundary (or closer to the boundary than the equivalent short position).
  • (tennis, of a ball or a shot) Landing beyond the baseline, and therefore deemed to be out.
  • Having great duration.
pitkä, pitkäaikainen

long adverb

  /lɑŋ/ , /lɒŋ/ , /lɔŋ/ , /lɔːŋ/ , /lʊŋɡ/
  • For a particular duration.
  • For a lengthy duration (see usage notes).
  • (chiefly, sports) Over a great distance in space.

long verb

  /lɑŋ/ , /lɒŋ/ , /lɔŋ/ , /lɔːŋ/ , /lʊŋɡ/
  • (intransitive) To await, aspire, desire greatly (something to occur or to be true).

longing noun

  /ˈlɒŋɪŋ/ , /ˈlɔːŋɪŋ/
  • An earnest and deep, not greatly passionate, but rather melancholic desire.
kaipaus, kaipuu, ikävä

longe verb

  • (US, transitive) To work (a horse) in a circle at the end of a long line or rope.

longe noun

  • A long rope or flat web line, more commonly referred to as a longe line, approximately 20-30 feet long, attached to the bridle, longeing cavesson, or halter of a horse and used to control the animal while longeing.
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