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yoke noun

  /joʊk/ , /jəʊk/
  • A bar or frame by which two oxen or other draught animals are joined at their necks enabling them to pull a cart, plough, etc.; (by extension) a device attached to a single draught animal for the same purpose.
  • (Ancient Rome) Chiefly in pass under the yoke: a raised yoke (sense 1.1), or a symbolic yoke formed from two spears installed upright in the ground with another spear connecting their tops, under which a defeated army was made to march as a sign of subjugation.
  • (electrical engineering) Originally, a metal piece connecting the poles of a magnet or electromagnet; later, a part of magnetic circuit (such as in a generator or motor) not surrounded by windings.
  • A bond of love, especially marriage; also, a bond of friendship or partnership; an obligation or task borne by two or more people.
  • Something which oppresses or restrains a person; a burden.
ies, taakka
  • (clothing) The part of an item of clothing which fits around the shoulders or the hips from which the rest of the garment hangs, and which is often distinguished by having a double thickness of material, or decorative flourishes. [from 19th c.]
[[niskalihas|niska-]] ja hartialihakset, kaarroke
  • (agriculture) A frame placed on the neck of an animal such as a cow, pig, or goose to prevent passage through a fence or other barrier. [from 16th c.]
kalpa, kaulain, länget
  • (chiefly, US) A frame or convex crosspiece from which a bell is hung.
kannatin, kiinnike
  • (electronics) The electromagnetic coil that deflects the electron beam in a cathode ray tube. [from 19th c.]
kela, poikkeutuskela
  • (aviation) Any of various devices with crosspieces used to control an aircraft; specifically, the control column. [from 20th c.]
ohjaussauva, ratti, sauva
  • A collar placed on the neck of a conquered person or prisoner to restrain movement.
  • (archaic) A pair of things linked in some way.
pari, parivaljakko
  • (chiefly, historical) A pair of draught animals, especially oxen, yoked together to pull something.
  • (glassblowing) A Y-shaped stand used to support a blowpipe or punty while reheating in the glory hole.
  • Any of various linking or supporting objects that resembles a yoke (sense 1.1); a crosspiece, a curved bar, etc.
  • (Ireland, slang) A pill of a psychoactive drug.
  • (nautical) A fitting placed across the head of the rudder with a line attached at each end by which a boat may be steered; in modern use it is primarily found in sailing canoes and kayaks. [from 18th c.]
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yoke verb

  /joʊk/ , /jəʊk/
  • To join (several draught animals) together with a yoke; also, to fasten a yoke (on one or more draught animals) to pull a cart, plough, etc.; or to attach (a cart, plough, etc.) to a draught animal.
iestää, panna kaulaan, panna kaulain, panna länget
  • To be or become connected, linked, or united in a relationship; to have dealings with.
lähentyä, olla tekemisissä (+ genitive +) kanssa, veljeillä (+ genitive +) kanssa
  • To bring (two or more people or things) into a close relationship (often one that is undesired); to connect, to link, to unite.
lähentää, yhdistää
  • To place a collar on the neck of (a conquered person or prisoner) to restrain movement.
  • To put (something) around someone's neck like a yoke; also, to surround (someone's neck) with something.
panna kaulaan
  • (agriculture) To place a frame on the neck of (an animal such as a cow, pig, or goose) to prevent passage through a fence or other barrier.
panna kaulain, panna länget
  • To put (one's arm or arms) around someone's neck, waist, etc.; also, to surround (someone's neck, waist, etc.) with one's arms.
syleillä, ympäröidä käsillään
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