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as noun

  • (numismatics) Any of several coins of Rome, coined in bronze or later copper; or the equivalent value.
comme, as, en tant que, puisque, lorsque, quand
  • (unit of weight) A libra.
comme, que, puisque, car

ass noun

  • Any of several species of horse-like animals, especially Equus asinus, the domesticated of which are used as beasts of burden.
  • (slang, mildly, _, vulgar) A stupid person.
âne, idiot, imbécile, moule à merde, tête de nœud

ass noun

  • (vulgar, slang, countable, and, uncountable) The buttocks.
  • (vulgar, slang, objectifying, uncountable) Sex; a person to have sex with; with vulgar emphasis on their corporeality (their body) over their personhood.
cul, fesse


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