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help noun

  /hɛlp/ , /hɛp/
  • (uncountable) Action given to provide assistance; aid.
aide, secours
  • (usually, uncountable) One or more people employed to help in the maintenance of a house or the operation of a farm or enterprise.
  • Something or someone which provides assistance with a task.
aide, auxiliaire

help verb

  /hɛlp/ , /hɛp/
  • (transitive) To provide assistance to (someone or something).
aider, secourir
  • (transitive) To contribute in some way to.
  • (intransitive) To provide assistance.
  • (transitive) To avoid; to prevent; to refrain from; to restrain (oneself). Usually used in nonassertive contexts with can.
empêcher, prévenir, éviter

help interjection

  /hɛlp/ , /hɛp/
  • A cry of distress or an urgent request for assistance
au secours, à l’aide, à moi, à nous

helpful adjective

  /ˈhɛlp.fəl/ , /ˈhɛlp.fʊl/
  • Furnishing help; giving aid; useful.
serviable, utile




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