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kiss noun

  /kɪs/ , [kʰɪs]
  • A touch with the lips, usually to express love or affection, or as a greeting.
baiser, bise, bisou, bec, bécot

kiss verb

  /kɪs/ , [kʰɪs]
  • (transitive) To touch with the lips or press the lips against, usually to show love or affection or passion, or as part of a greeting.
  • (intransitive) Of two or more people, to touch each other's lips together, usually to express love or affection or passion.
embrasser, baiser
  • (ambitransitive) To (cause to) touch lightly or slightly; to come into contact.
effleurer, embrasser


pourquoi faire compliqué quand on peut faire simple



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