🇬🇧 en fr 🇫🇷

rat noun

  • (zoology) A medium-sized rodent belonging to the genus Rattus.
rat, rat d'égout, rat gris, rat noir, surmulot, souris

rats interjection

  • (informal) Expression of annoyance or disgust; damn, darn. [from 1886]
zut, flute, peste

rat verb

  • (intransitive, with on or out) To inform on someone; to betray someone to the police or authorities. [from 20th c.]
balancer, cafter, moucharder



🇫🇷 fr en 🇬🇧

rat noun {m}

  • Rongeur à museau pointu, à pattes courtes et à queue longue, qui ronge et mange les grains, la paille, etc

Rat noun {m}

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