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Aurora properNoun

  • (Roman god) Roman goddess of the dawn; equivalent of the Greek Eos. Sister of Luna and Sol.
アウロラ, アウローラ
  • A en given name, in regular use since the 19th century.
オーロラ, オーロール

aurora noun

  /ɔˈɹɔɹ.ə/ , /ɔːˈɹɔː.ɹə/ , /əˈɹɔɹ.ə/ , /əˈɹɔː.ɹə/
  • An atmospheric phenomenon created by charged particles from the sun striking the upper atmosphere, creating coloured lights in the sky. It is usually named australis or borealis based on whether it is in the Southern or Northern Hemisphere respectively.
極光, オーロラ
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