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arbitration noun

  /ˌɑɹ.bɪˈtɹeɪ.ʃən/ , /ˌɑː.bɪˈtɹeɪ.ʃən/ , [ˌɑɹ.bəˈt̠͡ɹ̠eɪ.ʃn̩] , [ˌɑː.bəˈt̠͡ɹ̠eɪ.ʃn̩]
  • The act or process of arbitrating.
  • A process through which two or more parties use an arbitrator or arbiter in order to resolve a dispute.
  • In general, a form of justice where both parties designate a person whose ruling they will accept formally. More specifically in Market Anarchist (market anarchy) theory, arbitration designates the process by which two agencies pre-negotiate a set of common rules in anticipation of cases where a customer from each agency is involved in a dispute.

arbitrate verb

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