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be verb

  /bi/ , /biː/
  • Used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase.
, です, である
  • (rare, and, regional, chiefly, in the past tense) Used to link two noun clauses, the first of which is a day of the week, recurring date, month, or other specific time (on which the event of the main clause took place), and the second of which is a period of time indicating how long ago that day was. [from 15th c.]
, です, である, だろう, ている, をやる
  • (formal) Used with to-infinitives of verbs to express intent, obligation, appropriateness, or relative future occurrence.
  • (now, usually, literary) To exist; to have real existence, to be alive.
  • As an intransitive lexical verb:
いる, 在る, いらっしゃる, 存在
  • (auxiliary) Used with past participles of verbs to form the passive voice.
られる, れる
  • To occupy a place.
在る, 居る, , です
  • To occur, to take place.
有る, , です
  • Used with past participles of certain intransitive verbs to form the perfect aspect.
  • (in perfect tenses) Elliptical form of "be here", "go to and return from" or similar, also extending to certain other senses of "go".
行って来る, , です
  • Used to link a subject to a measurement.
, です

being noun

  /ˈbiŋ/ , /ˈbiɪŋ/ , /ˈbiːŋ/ , /ˈbiːɪŋ/
  • A living creature.
生き物, 生物
  • The state or fact of existence, consciousness, or life, or something in such a state.


Wiktionary Links
  • English: be, BE
  • 日本語: be