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fly verb

  • (transitive, ergative) To cause to fly (travel or float in the air): to transport via air or the like.
飛ぶ, 飛ばす

fly noun

  • (non-technical) Especially, any of the insects of the family Muscidae, such as the common housefly (other families of Diptera include mosquitoes and midges).
, ハエ, , ハエ目, 双翅目
  • (fishing) A lightweight fishing lure resembling an insect.

fly noun

  • (often plural) A strip of material (sometimes hiding zippers or buttons) at the front of a pair of trousers, pants, underpants, bootees, etc.
ファスナー隠し, フライ, ボタン隠し, 社会の窓

fly verb

  • (intransitive, baseball) To hit a fly ball; to hit a fly ball that is caught for an out. Compare ground (verb) and line (verb).

flying adjective

  • That flies or can fly.
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