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place verb

  /pleɪs/ , [pl̥eɪs]
  • (transitive) To put (someone or something) in a specific location.
置く, 付ける, 入れる, 割り当てる, 収める, 定める
  • (transitive) To recruit or match an appropriate person for a job, or a home for an animal for adoption, etc.
置く, 任命, 就職させる, 職を与える, 配置
  • (transitive, in the passive) To rank at (a certain position, often followed by an ordinal) as in a horse race.
つく, なる, 定まる, 決まる
  • (intransitive) To earn a given spot in a competition.
  • (transitive) To remember where and when (an object or person) has been previously encountered.
  • (transitive) To arrange for or to make (a bet).

place noun

  /pleɪs/ , [pl̥eɪs]
  • A location or position in space.
場所, , 位置, 余地, 空間
  • An open space, particularly a city square, market square, or courtyard.
, 市場, 広場
  • (often, in street names or addresses) A street, sometimes but not always surrounding a public place, square, or plaza of the same name.
  • (obsolete) A passage or extract from a book or document.
  • A role or purpose; a station.
仕事, 位置, 地位, 境遇, 居場所, 役割
団地, 寝場所, 置き場所
  • Any area of the earth: a region.
地方, 場所
  • The area one occupies, particularly somewhere to sit.
, 場所
  • A state of mind.
  • Numerically, the column counting a certain quantity.
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