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deduction noun

  /diˈdʌkʃən/ , /dɪˈdʊkʃən/ , /dɪˈdʌkʃən/
  • A sum that can be removed from tax calculations; something that is written off
aftrek, inhouding
  • A conclusion; that which is deduced, concluded or figured out
  • (logic) A process of reasoning that moves from the general to the specific, in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the premises presented, so that the conclusion cannot be false if the premises are true.
  • The ability or skill to deduce or figure out; the power of reason

deductible adjective

  [dɪˈdʊktəbəɫ] , [dɪˈdʌktəbəɫ]
  • Eligible to be deducted.

deduct verb

  /dɪˈdʊkt/ , /dɪˈdʌkt/
  • To take one thing from another; remove from; make smaller or less by some amount.
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