🇬🇧 en nl 🇳🇱

official adjective

  • Relating to an office; especially, to a subordinate executive officer or attendant.
officieel, ambtelijk
  • Of or pertaining to an office or public trust.

official noun

  • An office holder, a person holding an official position in government, sports, or other organization.
ambtenaar, beambte, functionaris

officially adverb

  • In an official manner; according to official rules or regulations.

officious adjective

  • (obsolete) Obliging, attentive, eager to please.
bereidwillig, overijverig
  • Offensively intrusive or interfering in offering advice and services.

officiant noun

  • A person who officiates at a civil (non-religious) wedding ceremony.
ambtenaar van de burgerlijke stand

🇳🇱 nl en 🇬🇧

official noun

civil servant
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