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for conjunction

  /foː(ɹ)/ , /fɔɹ/ , /fɔː(ɹ)/ , /fɘ(ɹ)/ , /fə/ , /fəɹ/
  • (formal, literary) Because.
fordi, for

for preposition

  /foː(ɹ)/ , /fɔɹ/ , /fɔː(ɹ)/ , /fɘ(ɹ)/ , /fə/ , /fəɹ/
  • Supporting, in favour of.
  • In the role or capacity of; instead of; in place of.
  • Directed at; intended to belong to.
  • Towards; in the direction of.
for, mot

🇬🇧 en no 🇳🇴

ring verb

  /ɹi(ː)ŋ/ , /ɹɪŋ/
  • (intransitive) Of a bell, etc., to produce a resonant sound.
  • (transitive) To make (a bell, etc.) produce a resonant sound.
  • (intransitive, figuratively) To produce the sound of a bell or a similar sound.
  • (intransitive, figuratively) Of something spoken or written, to appear to be, to seem, to sound.
ringe, telefonere

ring noun

  /ɹi(ː)ŋ/ , /ɹɪŋ/
  • A round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger or through the ear, nose, etc.
  • A circumscribing object, (roughly) circular and hollow, looking like an annual ring, earring, finger ring etc.
  • (UK) A bird band, a round piece of metal put around a bird's leg used for identification and studies of migration.
  • (astronomy) A formation of various pieces of material orbiting around a planet or young star.
  • A place where some sports or exhibitions take place; notably a circular or comparable arena, such as a boxing ring or a circus ring; hence the field of a political contest.
  • (geometry) A planar geometrical figure included between two concentric circles.

ring noun

  /ɹi(ː)ŋ/ , /ɹɪŋ/
  • (algebra) An algebraic structure which consists of a set with two binary operations: an additive operation and a multiplicative operation, such that the set is an abelian group under the additive operation, a monoid under the multiplicative operation, and such that the multiplicative operation is distributive with respect to the additive operation.
  • (algebra) An algebraic structure as above, but only required to be a semigroup under the multiplicative operation, that is, there need not be a multiplicative identity element.