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ski noun

  /skiː/ , /ʃiː/
  • One of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow or water.

sky noun

  • The atmosphere above a given point, especially as visible from the surface of the Earth as the place where the sun, moon, stars, and clouds are seen.
  • With a descriptive word: the part of the sky which can be seen from a specific place or at a specific time; its climate, condition, etc.
  • (chiefly, literary, and, poetic, archaic) Usually preceded by the: the abode of God or the gods, angels, the souls of deceased people, etc.; heaven; also, powers emanating from heaven.

skiing noun

  • (sports) A group of sports utilizing skis as primary equipment.

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urn noun

  /ɜːn/ , /ɝn/
  • A vase with a footed base.
  • A vessel for the ashes or cremains of a deceased person.