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rather adverb

  /ˈɹaː.ðə/ , /ˈɹæ.ðə/ , /ˈɹæðɚ/ , /ˈɹɑː.ðə(ɹ)/ , /ˈɹʌ.ðə(ɹ)/ , /ˌɹɑːˈðɜː(ɹ)/
  • (degree) Somewhat, quite; to an unexpected degree. [from 16th c.]
bastante, bem, um tanto, meio
  • (conjunctive) Used to introduce a contradiction; on the contrary. [from 14th c.]
aliás, ao contrário
  • Used to specify a choice or preference; preferably, in preference to. (Now usually followed by than) [from 9th c.]
antes, de preferência, preferivelmente
  • (conjunctive) Introducing a qualification or clarification; more precisely. (Now usually preceded by or.) [from 15th c.]
mais, melhor dizendo, ou melhor, ou seja
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