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wattle noun

  /ˈwɑtl̩/ , /ˈwɒtl̩/ , [ˈwɑ.ɾl̩]
  • Any of several Australian trees and shrubs of the genus Acacia, or their bark, used in tanning, seen as a national emblem of Australia.
  • A decorative fleshy appendage on the neck of a goat.
  • A wrinkled fold of skin, sometimes brightly coloured, hanging from the neck of birds (such as chicken and turkey) and some lizards.
barbela, papilha
  • Loose hanging skin in the neck of a person.
papada, papo
  • A construction of branches and twigs woven together to form a wall, barrier, fence, or roof.
pau a pique, taipa
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