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Americanize verb

  • (US, Canada) To render American; to adapt to the custom, culture, or style of the United States of America.

American adjective

  /əˈmɛɹ.ɪ.kən/ , /əˈmɝ.ə.kən/
  • (archaic) Synonym of American Indian and Native American, of, from, or pertaining to the indigenous inhabitants of the Americas.
amerikanisch, Amerikaner
  • Of, from, or pertaining to the United States of America, its people, or its culture.
amerikanisch, US-amerikanisch

American noun

  /əˈmɛɹ.ɪ.kən/ , /əˈmɝ.ə.kən/
  • A citizen or inhabitant of the United States of America.
Amerikaner, Amerikanerin, US-Amerikaner, US-Amerikanerin, Ami
  • (archaic) Synonym of American Indian or Native American, an indigenous inhabitant of the Americas. [from 16th c.]
Amerikaner, Amerikanerin
  • (uncountable, US, _, printing, rare, dated) A size of type smaller than German, 1-point type.

Americanism noun

  • A custom peculiar to the United States or the Americans.
  • A word, phrase or linguistic feature originating from or specific to American English usage.
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