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attend verb

  /əˈtɛnd/ , [əˈtʰɛnd]
  • To be present with; to accompany; to be united or consequent to.
teilnehmen, besuchen
kümmern, beachten

attendant adjective

  • (law) Depending on, or owing duty or service to.
abhängig, verpflichtet
  • Going with; associated; concomitant.
anwesend, begleitend, zugehörig

attendant noun

  • One who attends; one who works with or watches over someone or something.
Aufpasser, Aufpasserin, Aufseher, Aufseherin, Aufsichtsperson, Begleiter
  • A servant or valet.
Bediener, Bedienerin, Bedienstete, Bediensteter, Diener, Dienerin
  • (mostly, archaic) A visitor or caller; one who attends (is present at or regularly goes to) some event or place.
Besucher, Besucherin, Gast, Gästin, Kunde, Kundin

attendance noun

  • The act of attending; the state of being present; presence.

attending noun

  • (North America) A physician on the staff of a hospital, especially the principal one that supervises a patient's care.


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