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carbon noun

  /ˈkɑɹ.bən/ , /ˈkɑːbən/
  • (uncountable) The chemical element (symbol C) with an atomic number of 6. It can be found in pure form for example as graphite, a black, shiny and very soft material, or diamond, a colourless, transparent, crystalline solid and the hardest known material.
Kohlenstoff, Kohle
  • A fossil fuel that is made of impure carbon such as coal or charcoal.
Kohle, Kohlenstoff
  • (countable, informal) A carbon copy.
  • (ecology, uncountable) carbon dioxide, in the context of climate change.
Kohlendioxid, Kohlenstoff
  • (countable, informal) A sheet of carbon paper.

carbonated adjective

  /ˈkɑɹ.bəˌneɪ.təd/ , /ˈkɑː(ɹ)bɒneɪtəd/
  • Containing carbon dioxide gas under pressure, especially pertaining to beverages, as natural mineral water or man-made drinks.
kohlensäurehaltig, sprudelnd

carbonize verb

  • To turn something to carbon, especially by heating it; to scorch or blacken.

carbonate noun

  /ˈkɑɹbəneɪt/ , /ˈkɑɹbənət/ , /ˈkɑː(ɹ).bə.neɪt/ , /ˈkɑː(ɹ).bə.nət/
  • Any salt or ester of carbonic acid.
Karbonat, Carbonat

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carbon fiber
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