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gun noun

  • A less portable, long firearm that fires bullets or projectiles; a rifle, either manual, automatic or semi-automatic; a flintlock, musket or shotgun.
  • (surfing) A long surfboard designed for surfing big waves (not the same as a longboard, a gun has a pointed nose and is generally a little narrower).
  • (military) A cannon with relatively long barrel, operating with relatively low angle of fire, and having a high muzzle velocity.
Kanone, Geschütz
  • A very portable, short firearm, for hand use, which fires bullets or projectiles, such as a handgun, revolver, pistol, or Derringer.
  • (military) A cannon with a 6-inch/155mm minimum nominal bore diameter and tube length 30 calibers or more. See also: howitzer; mortar.
Geschütz, Kanone



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Gun noun {n}

  • in Benin sowie im Südwesten Nigerias vom Volk der Ogu gesprochene Sprache
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