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match noun

  • A device made of wood or paper, at the tip coated with chemicals that ignite with the friction of being dragged (struck) against a rough dry surface.
Streichholz, Zündholz, Hölzchen

match verb

  • (transitive) To agree with; to be equal to; to correspond to.
passen, (mathematisch) gleich sein, übereinstimmen
  • (transitive) To equal or exceed in achievement.
  • (transitive) To make a successful match or pairing.
einander zuordnen, matchen

match noun

  • (sports) A competitive sporting event such as a boxing meet, a baseball game, or a cricket match.
Match, Spiel, Wettkampf, Wettspiel
  • Someone with a measure of an attribute equaling or exceeding the object of comparison.



matching adjective

  • The same as another; sharing the same design.
dazu passend

matching noun

  • (graph theory) A set of independent edges in a given graph, i.e. a set of edges which do not intersect, such that pairs of vertices are "matched" to each other one to one.
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