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nonsense noun

  /ˈnɑn.sɛns/ , /ˈnɒn.səns/
  • Letters or words, in writing or speech, that have no meaning or pattern or seem to have no meaning.
Unsinn, Nonsens, Blödsinn, Quatsch, Tüddelkram
  • An untrue statement.
Unsinn, Nonsens

nonsense interjection

  /ˈnɑn.sɛns/ , /ˈnɒn.səns/
  • An emphatic rejection of something one has just heard and does not believe or agree with.

nonsensical adjective

  • Without sense; absurd.
unsinnig, widersinnig, sinnwidrig

nonsensically adverb

  • In a nonsensical manner.
unsinnig, unsinnigerweise
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