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plague noun

  /pleɪɡ/ , /plɛɡ/ , [pʰl̥eɪɡ] , [pʰɫ̥ɛːɡ]
  • (often used with the, sometimes capitalized: the Plague) The bubonic plague, the pestilent disease caused by the virulent bacterium Yersinia pestis.
  • (pathology) An epidemic or pandemic caused by any pestilence, but specifically by the above disease.
Plage, Seuche
  • A widespread affliction, calamity or destructive influx, especially when seen as divine retribution.
Plage, Geißel
  • (figurative) A grave nuisance, whatever greatly irritates.
Plage, Quälgeist, Übel

plague verb

  /pleɪɡ/ , /plɛɡ/ , [pʰl̥eɪɡ] , [pʰɫ̥ɛːɡ]
  • (transitive) To afflict with a disease or other calamity.
  • (transitive) To harass, pester or annoy someone persistently or incessantly.

plagued adjective

  • Constantly afflicted or relentlessly attacked (by someone or something).
andauernd belästigt, geplagt, ständig heimgesucht, unnachgiebig attackiert
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