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plaster noun

  /ˈpla.stə/ , /ˈplæs.tɚ/ , /ˈplɑː.stə/
  • (uncountable) A mixture of lime or gypsum, sand, and water, sometimes with the addition of fibres, that hardens to a smooth solid and is used for coating walls and ceilings; render, stucco.
Putz, Verputz, Gips, Gipsputz, Kalkputz, Lehmputz
  • (countable) A cast made of plaster of Paris and gauze; a plaster cast.
Gips, Salbe, Abguß, Creme, Gipsabdruck, Gipsabguß

plaster verb

  /ˈpla.stə/ , /ˈplæs.tɚ/ , /ˈplɑː.stə/
  • (transitive) To hide or cover up, as if with plaster; to cover thickly.
vergipsen, putzen, verputzen, überputzen, übertünchen, überziehen
  • (transitive) To smear with some viscous or liquid substance.

plasterer noun

  • A person whose occupation is to plaster walls.
Stuckateur, Gipser




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