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provide verb

  • To furnish (with), cause to be present.
ausstatten, versorgen, versehen
  • To give what is needed or desired, especially basic needs.
beschaffen, besorgen, versorgen, den Unterhalt sichern, heranschaffen, sorgen
  • To establish as a previous condition; to stipulate.
voraussetzen, vorsehen

providence noun

  • The careful governance and guidance of God (or another deity, nature, etc.). [from 14th c.]
  • A manifestation of divine care or direction; an instance of divine intervention. [from 16th c.]
Vorsehung, Fügung
  • Specifically, the prudent care and management of resources; thriftiness, frugality. [from 17th c.]
Umsicht, Vorsorge

provided conjunction

  • Only if (the stipulation that follows is true).

provider noun

  /pɹəˈvaɪ.də(ɹ)/ , /pɹəˈvaɪ.dɚ/ , /pɹəˈvɑɪ.də(ɹ)/
  • One who, or that which, provides a service, commodity, or the means for subsistence.
Anbieter, Anbieterin, Dienstleister, Dienstleisterin, Versorger, Versorgerin

provident adjective

  • Possessing, exercising, or demonstrating great care and consideration for the future.
vorausschauend, vorsorgend, vorsorglich

providentness noun

  • the quality or state of being provident; carefulness; prudence; economy
Besonnenheit, Fürsorglichkeit, Sorge, Umsicht

Providence properNoun

  • Divine care or direction, the will of God or the gods; fate.
Providence, Vorsehung

providently adverb

  • In a provident manner.
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