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really adverb

  /ˈɹeɪlɪ/ , /ˈɹi.əli/ , /ˈɹili/ , /ˈɹɪli/ , /ˈɹɪə.li/ , /ˈɹɪə.liː/ , [-li] , [ˈɹʷeə̯ɫiː] , [ˈɹʷiə̯-] , [ˈɹʷɪə̯lɪ] , [ˈɹʷɪː-]
  • (modal) Actually; in fact; in reality.
  • (informal, as an intensifier) Very (modifying an adjective); very much (modifying a verb).

really interjection

  /ˈɹeɪlɪ/ , /ˈɹi.əli/ , /ˈɹili/ , /ˈɹɪli/ , /ˈɹɪə.li/ , /ˈɹɪə.liː/ , [-li] , [ˈɹʷeə̯ɫiː] , [ˈɹʷiə̯-] , [ˈɹʷɪə̯lɪ] , [ˈɹʷɪː-]
  • (informal, chiefly, US) Indicating affirmation, agreement.
wirklich, absolut, auf jeden Fall, echt, in der Tat, stimmt
  • (informal) Indicating surprise at, or requesting confirmation of, some new information; to express skepticism.
(ach) ja?, echt?, tatsächlich?, wirklich?
  • (informal) Indicating displeasure at another person's behaviour or statement.
also wirklich
  • (informal, sarcastic, typically exaggerated question.) Indicating that what was just said was obvious and unnecessary; contrived incredulity
sag bloß, was Sie nicht sagen, was du nicht sagst
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