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resilience noun

  • (psychology, neuroscience) The mental ability to recover quickly from depression, illness or misfortune.
Widerstandsfähigkeit, Belastbarkeit, Resilienz
  • (physics) The physical property of material that can resume its shape after being stretched or deformed; elasticity.
Elastizität, elastisches Verformungsarbeitsaufnahmevermögen
  • The positive capacity of an organizational system or company to adapt and return to equilibrium after a crisis, failure or any kind of disruption, including: an outage, natural disasters, man-made disasters, terrorism, or similar (particularly IT systems, archives).

resilient adjective

  • Returning quickly to original shape after force is applied; elastic. (of objects or substances)
resilient, unverwüstlich, belastbar, elastisch, federnd, spannkräftig
  • Returning quickly to normal after damaging events or conditions. (of systems, organisms or people)
widerstandsfähig, resilient
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