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secretary noun

  /ˈsɛk.(ɹ)əˌtɛɹ.i/ , /ˈsɛk.ɹə.tə.ɹi/ , /ˈsɛk.ɹə.tɹi/ , [ˈsɛk.(ɹ)əˌtʰɛɹ.i]
  • A person who keeps records, takes notes and handles general clerical work.
Sekretär, Sekretärin
  • A managerial or leading position in certain non-profit organizations, such as political parties, trade unions, international organizations.
  • A secretary bird, a bird of the species Sagittarius serpentarius.
  • (US) A type of desk, secretary desk; a secretaire.
Sekretär, Schreibsekretär
  • (often, capitalized) The head of a department of government.
Staatssekretär, Sekretär
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