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sensible adjective

  /ˈsɛns.ə.bəl/ , /ˈsɛns.ɪ.bəl/ , [ˈsɛn̥səbɫ̩] , [ˈsɛn̥sɪbl̩]
  • Acting with or showing good sense; able to make good judgements based on reason, or reflecting such ability.
  • (archaic) Able to feel or perceive.
der Empfindung fähig
  • (especially, _, formally) Able to be sensed by the senses or the psyche; able to be perceived.
der Empfindung fähig, spürbar, wahrnehmbar
  • Characterized more by usefulness, practicality, or comfort than by attractiveness, formality, or fashionableness, especially of clothing.
gescheit, sinnvoll, vernünftig
  • (archaic) Cognizant; having the perception of something; aware of something.
  • (archaic) Liable to external impression; easily affected; sensitive.

sensibility noun

  • The ability to sense, feel or perceive; responsiveness to sensory stimuli; sensitivity. [from 15th c.]
Empfindlichkeit, Empfindungsvermögen, Sensibilität
  • (now, rare, archaic) Excessive emotional awareness; the fact or quality of being overemotional. [from 18th c.]
Empfindsamkeit, Sensibilität

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sensibel adjective

  • leicht zu beschädigen
  • empfindlich auf emotionaler und geistiger Ebene
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