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wash verb

  /wæʃ/ , /wɑʃ/ , /wɒʃ/ , /wɔɹʃ/ , /wɔʃ/
  • To clean with water.
  • (transitive) To cover with water or any liquid; to wet; to fall on and moisten.
waschen, spülen
  • (intransitive) To clean oneself with water.
sich waschen
  • (intransitive) To be wasted or worn away by the action of water, as by a running or overflowing stream, or by the dashing of the sea; said of road, a beach, etc.

wash noun

  /wæʃ/ , /wɑʃ/ , /wɒʃ/ , /wɔɹʃ/ , /wɔʃ/
  • (arts) A smooth and translucent painting created using a paintbrush holding a large amount of solvent and a small amount of paint.
  • The process or an instance of washing or being washed by water or other liquid.

washing noun

  /ˈwɑ.ʃɪŋ/ , /ˈwɒʃ.ɪŋ/ , /ˈwɔʃ.ɪŋ/
  • (countable) The action of the verb to wash
  • (uncountable, chiefly, British, NZ, Australia) Clothing, bedlinen or soft furnishings that have been, are currently being, or are to be washed; laundry.
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