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accepter verb

  • Agréer ce qui est offert
  • Approuver une chose, la considérer comme juste
accept, receive

🇬🇧 en fr 🇫🇷

accept verb

  /ækˈsɛpt/ , /əkˈsɛpt/ , /ɪkˈsɛpt/
  • (transitive) To receive or admit to; to agree to; to assent to; to submit to.
accepter, accueillir, accepter de payer, endurer patiemment, prendre sur soi

acceptable adjective

  /æk.ˈsɛp.tə.bəl/ , /ək.ˈsɛp.tə.bəl/ , /ɪk.ˈsɛp.tə.bəl/ , /ˈæksɛp.tə.bəl/
  • worthy, decent, sure of being accepted or received with at least moderate pleasure
acceptable, admissible

acceptance noun

  • (uncountable) The act of accepting; the receiving of something offered, with acquiescence, approbation, or satisfaction; especially, favourable reception; approval.
  • (business, finance) An assent and engagement by the person on whom a bill of exchange is drawn, to pay it when due according to the terms of the acceptance; the bill of exchange itself when accepted.
  • (law) An agreeing to the action, proposals, or terms of another by some act which results in the conclusion of a legally binding contract; the reception or taking of a thing bought as that for which it was bought, or as that agreed to be delivered, or the taking of possession of a thing as owner.
acceptation, adhésion, admission, adoption, assimilation, reconnaissance
  • The state of being accepted.
adhésion, admission, adoption, assimilation, reconnaissance

acceptability noun

  • The quality of being acceptable; acceptableness.





accepted adjective

  /ækˈsɛp.tɪd/ , /əkˈsɛp.tɪd/ , /ɪkˈsɛp.tɪd/
  • Generally approved, believed, or recognized.
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