🇫🇷 fr en 🇬🇧

frais adjective

  • Indique un état de fraîcheur, de bonne conservation
  • De température assez basse
cool, chilly
  • Récent, qui vient d’arriver
recent, cool

frais noun {m}

  • (Économie) Coût, déboursement, charge devant être payée
costs, charge

frai noun {m}

spawning, roe

🇬🇧 en fr 🇫🇷

fray noun

  • (countable) A noisy commotion, especially resulting from fighting; a brawl, a fight; also, a loud quarrel.
bagarre, combat

fray verb

  • (also, figuratively) To rub or wear away (something); to cause (something made of strands twisted or woven together, such as cloth or rope) to unravel through friction; also, to irritate (something) through chafing or rubbing; to chafe.
  • (specifically) Of a deer: to rub (its antlers or head) against a tree, etc., to remove the velvet from antlers or to mark territory; also, to rub its antlers against (a tree, etc.) for that purpose.
  • (figuratively) Of a person's mental strength, nerves, temper, etc.: to become exhausted or worn out.
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