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mean verb

  /min/ , /miːn/
  • (transitive) Of a person (or animal etc): to intend to express, to imply, to hint at, to allude.
signifier, vouloir dire, entendre
  • (transitive) To intend, to plan (to do); to have as one's intention. [from 8th c.]
avoir l'intention, entendre faire
  • (transitive) To cause or produce (a given result); to bring about (a given result). [from 19th c.]
signifier, vouloir dire
  • (transitive, usually in passive) To intend (something) for a given purpose or fate; to predestine. [from 16th c.]
vouloir dire

mean adjective

  /min/ , /miːn/
  • Intending to cause harm, successfully or otherwise; bearing ill will towards another.
méchant, cruel
  • Low in quality or degree; inferior; poor; shabby.
inférieur, inférieure

mean noun

  /min/ , /miːn/
  • Something which is intermediate or in the middle; an intermediate value or range of values; a medium. [from 14th c.]
moyenne, moyen
  • (statistics) The average of a set of values, calculated by summing them together and dividing by the number of terms; the arithmetic mean. [from 15th c.]
moyen, moyenne

mean adjective

  /min/ , /miːn/
  • Having the mean (see noun below) as its value; average.

meaning noun

  /ˈminɪŋ/ , /ˈmiːnɪŋ/
  • The purpose, value, or significance (of something) beyond the fact of that thing's existence.
sens, signification
  • The denotation, referent, or idea connected with a word, expression, or symbol.

meanness noun

  • (countable) A mean act.

means noun

  /minz/ , /miːnz/
  • (uncountable) Resources; riches.
moyens, moyen
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