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orbite noun {f}

  • (Anatomie) Cavité osseuse dans laquelle l’œil est placé
eye socket, orbit
  • (Astronomie) Trajectoire elliptique ou circulaire décrite par un astre autour d’un autre ou du barycentre de plusieurs astres, sous l'effet de la gravitation
  • (Mathématiques) Ensemble des éléments associés à un élément unique sous l’action d’un groupe

orbiter verb


🇬🇧 en fr 🇫🇷

orbit noun

  /ˈɔɹ.bɪt/ , /ˈɔː.bɪt/
  • (pinball) A path for the ball on the outer edge of the playfield, usually connected so that the ball entering in one end will come out of the other.

orbit verb

  /ˈɔɹ.bɪt/ , /ˈɔː.bɪt/
  • (astronomy) To circle or revolve around another object or position.
  • To move around the general vicinity of something.
  • To place an object (e.g. a satellite) into an orbit around a planet.
mettre en orbite

orbital adjective

  /ɔɹ.bət.l̩/ , /ɔː.bɪt.l̩/ , /ɔː.bɪt.əl/
  • Of or relating to, or forming an orbit (such as the orbit of a moon, planet, or spacecraft).
  • (anatomy) Of or relating to the eye socket (eyehole).
orbital, orbitaire

orbital noun

  /ɔɹ.bət.l̩/ , /ɔː.bɪt.l̩/ , /ɔː.bɪt.əl/
  • (physics) A specification of the energy and probability density of one or more electrons at any point in an atom or molecule, and can be represented as a wave function.




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