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rash noun

  • (dermatology, symptom) An area of inflamed and irritated skin characterized by reddened spots that may be filled with fluid or pus; also, preceded by a descriptive word (rare, or, obsolete) , an illness characterized by a type of rash.
éruption, éruption cutanée, irritation (de la peau)
  • An outbreak or surge in problems; a spate, string, or trend.
flambée, épidémie

rash adjective

  • Acting too quickly without considering the consequences and risks; not careful; hasty.
hâtif, impulsif

rashness noun

  • The quality of state of being rash; inconsiderate or presumptuous haste
irréflexion, témérité

🇫🇷 fr en 🇬🇧

rash noun {m}

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