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route noun {f}

  • (Transport) Voie praticable par les voitures en dehors des agglomérations
road, highway, carriageway, roadway
  • Direction qu’on suit ou qu’on peut suivre, par terre, par mer (cap) ou par les airs, pour aller en quelque lieu
route, way, course
  • Parcours des astres, des eaux, etc., se dirigeant d’un point vers un autre
highway, road
  • Action de cheminer, de voyager
journey, way
  • Grande allée percée dans un bois, dans une forêt, pour la commodité du charroi, de la chasse, de la promenade, etc
lane, path, pathway, track

🇬🇧 en fr 🇫🇷

route noun

  /ɹaʊt/ , /ɹut/ , /ɹuːt/ , /ɹʉːt/
  • A course or way which is traveled or passed.
route, chemin, itinéraire
  • (railway) A path that has been secured by a railway signalling system for the passage of a train and locked to prevent any conflicting train movements from taking place.

rout noun

  /ɹaʊt/ , [ɹʌʊt]
  • (originally, military) The act of completely defeating an army or other enemy force, causing it to retreat in a disorganized manner; (by extension) in politics, sport, etc.: a convincing defeat; a thrashing, a trouncing.
débâcle, déroute

rout noun

  /ɹaʊt/ , [ɹʌʊt]
  • (countable, dated) A fashionable assembly; a large evening party, a soirée.

routing noun

  /ˈɹaʊtɪŋ/ , /ˈɹutɪŋ/ , /ˈɹuːtɪŋ/
  • (networking) A method of finding paths from origins to destinations in a network such as the Internet, along which information can be passed.
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