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alarm verb

  /əˈlɑɹm/ , /əˈlɑːm/
  • (transitive) To give (someone) notice of approaching danger, or necessary action; to rouse to vigilance; to put on the alert.
alarm slaan, alarmeren, te wapen roepen
  • (transitive) To surprise with apprehension of danger; to fill with anxiety in regard to threatening evil; to excite with sudden fear.
alarmeren, beangstigen, te wapen roepen, verontrusten
  • (transitive) To keep in excitement; to disturb.
alarmeren, verontrusten
  • (transitive) To call to arms for defense.
te wapen roepen

alarm noun

  /əˈlɑɹm/ , /əˈlɑːm/
  • Any sound or information intended to give notice of approaching danger; a warning sound to arouse attention; a warning of danger.
alarm, alarmsignaal
  • A mechanical device for awaking people, or rousing their attention.
alarm, alarmklok, wekker
  • A summons to arms, as on the approach of an enemy.
alarmkreet, oproep te wapen
  • Sudden surprise with fear or terror excited by apprehension of danger; in the military use, commonly, sudden apprehension of being attacked by surprise.

alarmism noun




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alarm noun

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