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right adjective

  /ˈɹaɪt/ , /ˈɹeɪt/ , /ˈɹiːt/ , /ˈɹʌɪt/ , [-t̚] , [-ɾ̥] , [-ʔ] , [ɹei̯t] , [ɹəi̯t] , [ˈɹaɪt] , [ˈɹaɪθ̠] , [ˈɹäːtʰ] , [ˈɹɑe̯t] , [ˈɹɒɪʔ] , [ˈɻɐʏt]
  • (geography) Designating the bank of a river (etc.) on one's right when facing downstream (i.e. facing forward while floating with the current); that is, the south bank of a river that flows eastward. If this arrow: ⥴ shows the direction of the current, the tilde is on the right side of the river.
  • (geometry) Of an angle, having a size of 90 degrees, or one quarter of a complete rotation; the angle between two perpendicular lines.
prawy, prostopadły
  • Complying with justice, correctness, or reason; correct, just, true.
prawy, poprawny, prawidłowy, słuszny
  • (politics) Pertaining to the political right; conservative.
  • (archaic) Straight, not bent.

right noun

  /ˈɹaɪt/ , /ˈɹeɪt/ , /ˈɹiːt/ , /ˈɹʌɪt/ , [-t̚] , [-ɾ̥] , [-ʔ] , [ɹei̯t] , [ɹəi̯t] , [ˈɹaɪt] , [ˈɹaɪθ̠] , [ˈɹäːtʰ] , [ˈɹɑe̯t] , [ˈɹɒɪʔ] , [ˈɻɐʏt]
  • The right hand or fist.
  • (politics) The ensemble of right-wing political parties; political conservatives as a group.
  • A legal, just or moral entitlement.
  • The right side or direction.
prawa, prawy

right interjection

  /ˈɹaɪt/ , /ˈɹeɪt/ , /ˈɹiːt/ , /ˈɹʌɪt/ , [-t̚] , [-ɾ̥] , [-ʔ] , [ɹei̯t] , [ɹəi̯t] , [ˈɹaɪt] , [ˈɹaɪθ̠] , [ˈɹäːtʰ] , [ˈɹɑe̯t] , [ˈɹɒɪʔ] , [ˈɻɐʏt]
  • Used to check listener engagement and (especially) agreement at the end of an utterance or each segment thereof.
co nie, nie, prawda
  • Yes, that is correct; I agree.
prawda, racja

right adverb

  /ˈɹaɪt/ , /ˈɹeɪt/ , /ˈɹiːt/ , /ˈɹʌɪt/ , [-t̚] , [-ɾ̥] , [-ʔ] , [ɹei̯t] , [ɹəi̯t] , [ˈɹaɪt] , [ˈɹaɪθ̠] , [ˈɹäːtʰ] , [ˈɹɑe̯t] , [ˈɹɒɪʔ] , [ˈɻɐʏt]
  • Exactly, precisely.
dokładnie, właśnie
  • On the right side.
na prawo, po prawej stronie, z prawej strony
  • Towards the right side.
na prawo, w prawo

right verb

  /ˈɹaɪt/ , /ˈɹeɪt/ , /ˈɹiːt/ , /ˈɹʌɪt/ , [-t̚] , [-ɾ̥] , [-ʔ] , [ɹei̯t] , [ɹəi̯t] , [ˈɹaɪt] , [ˈɹaɪθ̠] , [ˈɹäːtʰ] , [ˈɹɑe̯t] , [ˈɹɒɪʔ] , [ˈɻɐʏt]
  • (transitive) To do justice to; to relieve from wrong; to restore rights to; to assert or regain the rights of.
poprawiać, korygować, poprawić, prostować, skorygować, sprostować

rightful adjective

  • By right; by law.



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