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white adjective

  /waɪt/ , /ʍaɪt/
  • Bright and colourless; reflecting equal quantities of all frequencies of visible light.
  • Relatively light or pale in colour.
  • (of coffee or tea) Containing cream, milk, or creamer.
  • (board games, chess) The standard denomination of the playing pieces of a board game deemed to belong to the white set, no matter what the actual colour.
  • (politics) Pertaining to constitutional or anti-revolutionary political parties or movements.
  • (sometimes capitalized) Of or relating to Europeans or those of European descent, regardless if their skin has cool or warm undertones.
  • (chiefly, historical) Designated for use by Caucasians.
biały, białoskóry
  • Pale or pallid, as from fear, illness, etc.
biały, blady
  • Grey, as from old age; having silvery hair; hoary.
biały, siwy

white noun

  /waɪt/ , /ʍaɪt/
  • The color/colour of snow or milk; the colour of light containing equal amounts of all visible wavelengths.
biel, białość, biały
  • (archery) The central part of the butt, which was formerly painted white; the centre of a mark at which a missile is shot.
biała śmierć, białko, biały proszek
  • (slang, US, UK) Cocaine.
  • A feather, from the wing of the cock ostrich, that is of the palest possible shade.
biała śmierć, biały proszek
  • A white pigment.
  • Any butterfly of the subfamily Pierinae in the family Pieridae.
  • A person of European descent with light-coloured skin.

whiteness noun

  /ˈwaɪtnəs/ , /ˈʍaɪtnəs/
  • (statistics, of a stochastic process) The quality of being white noise.
biel, białość

whiting noun

  /ˈwaɪtɪŋ/ , /ˈʍaɪtɪŋ/
  • A fine white chalk used in paints, putty, whitewash etc.

whites noun

  • Linen, especially laundry, that is white.

whitely adverb



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