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Zone noun {f}

Zone, Zonen   /ˈt͡soːnə/
  • bestimmtes Gebiet, bestimmter Bereich (zum Beispiel für bestimmte Nutzungen oder für unterschiedliche Tarife im Post-, Telefon- oder Verkehrswesen)

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zone noun

  /zoʊn/ , /zəʊn/
  • A given area distinguished on the basis of a particular characteristic, use, restriction, etc.
Zone, Gürtel, Bereich, Gebiet, Distrikt, Eingabefeld
  • (networking) That collection of a domain's DNS resource records, the domain and its subdomains, that are not delegated to another authority.
  • (networking, dated) A logical group of network devices on AppleTalk (an obsolete networking protocol).
  • (chiefly, sports) A high-performance phase or period.

zone verb

  /zoʊn/ , /zəʊn/
  • (transitive) To divide into or assign to sections or areas.
absperren, verzonen
  • (intransitive, slang) To enter a daydream state temporarily, for instance as a result of boredom, fatigue, or intoxication; to doze off.
mit den Gedanken abschweifen, sich nicht konzentrieren

zoning noun

  • (legal) Legislative action for the purpose of regulating the use of property and the construction of buildings within the area under the jurisdiction of the legislative body concerned.
Bauordnung, Bebauungsplan
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