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abortion noun

  • An induced abortion.
  • (medicine) The expulsion from the womb of a foetus or embryo before it is fully developed, with loss of the foetus.[from 16th c.]
  • (biology) Arrest of development of any organ, so that it remains an imperfect formation or is absorbed. [from 18th c.]
Abtreibung, Schwangerschaftsabbruch
  • A spontaneous abortion; a miscarriage.
Fehlgeburt, Schwangerschaftsabbruch

abort verb

  /əˈbɔɹt/ , /əˈbɔːt/
  • (transitive, computing) To terminate a process prior to completion.
  • (transitive, biology) To cause an organism to develop minimally; to cause rudimentary development to happen; to prevent maturation. [First attested in the mid 19th century.]

abort noun

  /əˈbɔɹt/ , /əˈbɔːt/
  • (computing) The function used to abort a process.
  • (now, rare) The product of a miscarriage; an aborted offspring; an abortion. [First attested in the early 17th century.]
  • (obsolete) A miscarriage; an untimely birth; an abortion. [Attested from around (1350 to 1470) until the mid 17th century.]
Abort, Schwangerschaftsabbruch

abortive noun

  /əˈbɔɹ.tɪv/ , /əˈbɔː.tɪv/
  • (obsolete) Someone or something born or brought forth prematurely; an abortion. [Attested from around (1150 to 1350) until the mid 18th century.]
Abort, Abtreibung, Interruptio
  • (obsolete) A medicine that causes abortion, an abortifacient.
  • (obsolete) A fruitless effort. [Attested from the early 17th century until the early 18th century.]

abortive adjective

  /əˈbɔɹ.tɪv/ , /əˈbɔː.tɪv/
  • (medicine) Cutting short; acting to halt or slow the progress (of a disease).
abortiv, abbrechen
  • (medicine, pharmaceutical effect, rare) Causing abortion; abortifacient.
abortiv, abtreibend
  • Coming to nothing; failing in its effect. [from late 1500s].
Fehl-, erfolglos, fehlgeschlagen, fruchtlos, gescheitert, misslungen
  • (obsolete) Produced by abortion; born prematurely and therefore unnatural. [c. 1400–mid 1700s]
abgetrieben, vorzeitig
  • (biology) Imperfectly formed or developed; rudimentary; sterile. [from mid 1700s]
rudimentär, unvollkommen, verkümmert, vorzeitig

abortional adjective

  • (rare) Pertaining to abortion; miscarrying; abortive. [First attested in the mid 19th century.]

aborted adjective

  • (biology) Rendered abortive or sterile; undeveloped.
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