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atheist noun

  • (broadly) A person who doubts the existence of deities (therefore, an agnostic may be considered an atheist).
Atheist, Atheistin, Agnostiker, Nichtglaubende, Nichtglaubender
  • (narrowly) A person who is certain that no deities exist or who thinks that the existence of deities can be disproven.
Atheist, Gottesleugner, Atheistin, Agnostiker, Gottesleugnerin, Gottlose

atheistic adjective

  • of or relating to atheists or atheism

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Atheist noun {m}

Atheist, Atheisten   /ateˈɪst/ , /ateˈʔɪst/
  • Person, welche die Existenz Gottes abstreitet
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