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lady noun

  /ˈleɪdi/ , [ˈleɪ.ɾi]
  • A woman of breeding or higher class, a woman of authority.
  • A woman to whom the particular homage of a knight was paid; a woman to whom one is devoted or bound.
Dame, Madam, meine Dame, verehrte Frau
  • A title for someone married to a lord or gentleman.
Herrin, Dame, Frau
  • (ladies' or ladies) Toilets intended for use by women.
  • (historical) The mistress of a household.
Ehefrau des Hausherrn, Frau des Hauses, Hausherrin, Herrin des Hauses

Lady noun

  • An aristocratic title for a woman; the wife of a lord and/or a woman who holds the position in her own right; a title for a peeress, the wife of a peer or knight, and the daughters and daughters-in-law of certain peers.
Dame, Frau, Herrin

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Lady noun {f}

Lady, Ladys   /ˈleːdi/ , /ˈlɛɪ̯di/
  • englischer Adelstitel, Ehefrau eines Lords oder weibliches Äquivalent eines Lords
  • Frau, insbesondere für gepflegte, gutaussehende oder gebildete Frau
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