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person noun

  /ˈpɑsən/ , /ˈpɜːsən/ , /ˈpɝsən/ , [ˈpʰɜːsn̩] , [ˈpʰɝsn̩]
  • An individual who has been granted personhood; usually a human being. [from 13th c.]
  • (law) Any individual or formal organization with standing before the courts. [from 14th c.]
  • (grammar) A linguistic category used to distinguish between the speaker of an utterance and those to whom or about whom they are speaking. See grammatical person. [from 14th c.]
  • (in a compound noun or noun phrase) A human of unspecified gender (in terms usually constructed with man or woman).
Person, Mensch
  • The physical body of a being seen as distinct from the mind, character, etc. [from 14th c.]
Körper, Person

people noun

  /ˈpipl̩/ , /ˈpipəl/ , /ˈpiːpl̩/ , /ˈpiːpəl/ , [ˈpʰipɫ̩]
  • (countable, collective) Persons forming or belonging to a particular group, such as a nation, class, ethnic group, country, family, etc.
  • The mass of a community as distinguished from a special class (elite); the commonalty; the populace; the vulgar; the common crowd; the citizens.
Volk, Leute
  • a body of persons considered generally or collectively; a group of two or more persons.
Leute, Menschen
  • A group of persons regarded as being servants, followers, companions or subjects of a ruler or leader.
Leute, Volk
  • A person's ancestors, relatives or family.
Angehörigen, Familie, Verwandten

people verb

  /ˈpipl̩/ , /ˈpipəl/ , /ˈpiːpl̩/ , /ˈpiːpəl/ , [ˈpʰipɫ̩]
  • (transitive) To stock with people or inhabitants; to fill as with people; to populate.
  • (transitive) To inhabit; to occupy; to populate.
bevölkern, besiedeln, bewohnen
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