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range noun

  • The maximum distance or reach of capability (of a weapon, radio, detector, etc.).
  • The distance a vehicle (e.g., a car, bicycle, lorry, or aircraft) can travel without refueling.
  • The extent or space taken in by anything excursive; compass or extent of excursion; reach; scope.
Strecke, Umfang, Bereich, Gebiet, Größenordnung, Interval
  • (mathematics) The set of values (points) which a function can obtain.
Wertebereich, Wertevorrat, Zielmenge
  • A fireplace; a fire or other cooking apparatus; now specifically, a large cooking stove with many hotplates.
  • (statistics) The length of the smallest interval which contains all the data in a sample; the difference between the largest and smallest observations in the sample.
Abstand, Entfernung, Spannweite
  • A line or series of mountains, buildings, etc.
Gebirge, Gebirgskette, Gebirgszug
  • Selection, array.
Palette, Sortiment, Auswahl, Spanne
  • An area of open, often unfenced, grazing land.
Weide, Weideflächen, Weideland
  • (ecology) The geographical area or zone where a species is normally naturally found.
Lebensraum, Verbreitungsgebiet
  • An aggregate of individuals in one rank or degree; an order; a class.
  • An area for practicing shooting at targets.
  • An area for military training or equipment testing.

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Rang noun {m}

Rang, Ränge   /ʁaŋ/
  • Stufe in einer Hierarchie
rank, grade, degree, tier

ringen verb

ringe, rang, habe gerungen   /ˈʁɪŋən/
  • intransitiv, Sport, körperliche Auseinandersetzung: die Nahkampfsportart „Ringen“ ausführen; sich um etwas balgen
  • intransitiv, Schwierigkeiten haben, die richtige Entscheidung zu treffen: mit sich selbst auseinandersetzen
wrestle with oneself
  • intransitiv, aus Verzweiflung oder Angst: die Hände drücken und verdrehen
wring one's hands
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